Sunday, November 4, 2007
Red Virginia Blog Endorses Gary Baise for Chairman of Fairfax County.
We join the DC Examiner and Washington Times in endorsing the Candidacy of Gary Baise for Chairman, for his straight talk and stands on the important issues facing Fairfax County in the next four years. Gary will cut taxes; make sure Rail through Tysons is through a Tunnel, Not Above; Take part in the 287(g).
Gary Baise will bring a new era of ethics and moral leadership in Fairfax County pose to the ethically challenged Connolly Administration.
We encourage our readers to go out on Tuesday and Vote Gary Baise for Fairfax County Chairman.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Chairman Connolly favors Sanctuary for Illegal Aliens

Gerry how about stop taking credit for things you have nothing to do with like Gang Task Force, Red Sox Winning in Game Seven, exaggerated test scores, and start owning up to your failures, Illegal Aliens, Traffic Congestion and a clear Lack of Leadership on your part. The polls show you have a slim lead over your challenger Gary Baise.
Gerry I think I speak for Majority of Fairfax County Residence when I say on NOVEMBER 6th We are going to say YOUR FIRED!!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Seven Reason's to Vote for Gary Baise
Seven Commitments for a Better Fairfax County
Our vision is a Fairfax County that is a more livable place where our neighborhoods are not congested with traffic, our schools achieve high standards, our taxes are not spiraling upward, and our laws are respected and fairly enforced.
We, the undersigned candidates for the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors commit to the following to work for a better Fairfax County:
Reducing Traffic Congestion
Problem: Traffic and congestion are rising and stifling our quality of life. Studies indicate that our congestion is now among the worst in the nation. Since Chairman Connolly has served on the Board, tens of thousands of new housing units have been approved without the needed road improvements. Yet, during this same time period, the County has issued only one bond for transportation, of which only small percentage went to new roads. A second bond is finally on this year's ballot.
We will make transportation the number one priority of the County, not the fifth priority out of six as is the case under Chairman Connolly.
We commit to use Fairfax County’s bond capacity to increase road funding. We will emphasize road and intersection improvements with these new funds.
In addition to roads, we support cost effective mass transit solutions throughout the County.
We will complete the Fairfax County Parkway and turn key stop lights on the Parkway into interchanges. We will to work relieve congestion on key transportation corridors throughout the County.
We will make the traffic control center a comprehensive interactive center, where key intersections are visually monitored and made more efficient. Further, we will use smart technology to keep traffic flowing.
Lowering Taxes And Spending Responsibly
Problem: During Chairman Connolly’s tenure on the Board of Supervisors, the County budget has increased substantially. Homeowner taxes have doubled. Many residents question where all this money from the huge increase in real estate values has gone. What County services are much better than they were four years ago? Further, the County has had a tolerance for sloppy and wasteful spending practices.
We commit to eliminate wasteful spending and cost overruns.
We will appoint a Blue Ribbon Panel of experts on budgets and accounting to review our budget process, our spending priorities and the effectiveness of current spending. These will be experts from the public, private and non-profit sectors.
We commit to bring spending under control, set priorities and ultimately reduce each homeowner's property tax in real dollars.
We intend to grow the commercial real estate base, not taxes, thereby reducing the burden on residents. We will grow the base, not the tax.
We will build a stronger Board Auditor’s Office, which currently has only two employees, to oversee our $6 billion budget.
Confronting Illegal Immigration
Problem: We are a country of immigrants and we fully support and encourage legal immigration and applaud our ethnic communities for their contributions to Fairfax County. However, illegal immigration is an increasing problem in Fairfax County. Illegal immigration contributes in a major way to the deterioration of our neighborhoods.
We commit to enforcing the law when it comes to overcrowding and illegal boarding houses. We will initiate public nuisance lawsuits when appropriate.
We will not fund work centers for illegal immigrants.
We will not use affordable and workforce housing or other taxpayer resources to provide housing for illegal immigrants.
We will explore all options to help deport illegal immigrants who have committed serious crimes (felonies) after they have served their time.
We will analyze the true impact on the county budget of the illegal immigrant problem so the public and the Board of Supervisors can make informed decisions and work to reduce this impact by eliminating non-essential services for illegal immigrants.
Getting Development Under Control
Problem: The current Democrat majority on the Board of Supervisors continues to approve massive housing development projects without reasonable transportation “proffers” from the developers and without the necessary commitments for infrastructure to accommodate the resulting effects.
We will work to ensure that roads, schools, storm water and infrastructure are in place before new development or increased density is allowed.
We will put into effect tougher guidelines to prevent conflicts of interests and perceived conflicts of interests arising from contributions to supervisors from the development community.
Preserving The Environment
Problem: As Fairfax County has been more intensively developed in recent years, key components of the suburban lifestyle – such as clean air, open space and trees, natural and ornamental vegetation, clean creeks and streams, a dark sky at night, and an abundance of wildlife -- have become increasingly threatened. The consequences are not just aesthetic. Pollution brings with it health problems, and mitigation efforts often impose heavy tax burdens on the residents.
We promise to be good stewards of the environment by taking cost effective actions to preserve the good things we have now and by mitigating the existing problems.
We will reevaluate our efforts to protect the Chesapeake Bay, eliminate those actions that have little or no effect, and increase efforts that are critical to preserving wetlands and reducing actual pollution into the Bay.
We will impose discipline on the storm water and watershed management program. We will evaluate the 120 projects completed over the past five years to determine which kinds of projects actually protect the public and the environment and which are the most economically sound. We will use that new knowledge to prioritize projects so that we get the biggest bang for our environmental buck.
Development is projected to reduce the existing tree canopy from the current 41% of the County to 37% by 2030. We will encourage development that adds to, not subtracts from, the existing tree canopy. We will encourage builders and home owners to plant trees in ways that shade buildings and reduce energy consumption.
We will work with builders to use low impact development techniques such as permeable paving for parking areas, and other approaches to put rain water back into the ground, rather than flooding into streams and eroding streambeds.
Protecting Our Neighborhoods & Quality of Life
Problem: We believe that most residents move to Fairfax County to enjoy a suburban lifestyle. Yet, Fairfax County’s suburban neighborhoods are under assault from over development approved by Chairman Connolly’s Board of Supervisors. The results have been increased traffic congestion and gridlock, school children learning in trailers, increased strain on police and other public services, and flaunting of the ordinances that protect the quality of life in our neighborhoods.
We will respect the wishes of our constituents. We will work with citizens and communities to provide them a Fairfax County we can all be pleased to call home.
We will provide our police the resources to fight gangs.
We will work to keep America’s best teachers in Fairfax County.
We will delay actions on redevelopment proposals until the Citizen Task Force studying that issue reports.
We will increase police protection of neighborhoods by increasing training, recruitment, staffing and retention efforts. We will allow officers to take police vehicles home to their Fairfax neighborhoods when off duty.
Openness, Ethics and Accountability
Problem: Campaign contributions are necessary for any person to run for public office. Questions can and have been raised regarding the timing and appropriateness of certain contributions being made to the Chairman Connolly. There should never be a conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest between a campaign contribution and a vote made by an elected official. A person holding the public trust should not only follow the letter of the law but the spirit of the law.
We will appoint an independent Ethics Officer for the Board and strengthen conflict of interest rules.
We will strengthen whistle blower provisions to protect those exposing waste, fraud, and abuse by County officials.
We will set a new standard with regard to openness, ethics, and accountability to the citizens of Fairfax County regarding campaign contributions.
Gary Baise - Candidate for Chairman, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
more information at
Endorsed by:
- Michael Fry - Sully District Supervisor
- Patrick S. Herrity - Candidate Springfield District Supervisor
- Vellie Dietrich-Hall - Candidate Mason District Supervisor
- Doug Boulter - Candidate Lee District Supervisor
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Gary Baise or Gerry Connolly
After Law School Gary went to work for one of hero’s of “Watergate” Bill Ruckelshaus.
Chairman Gerry Connolly comes from Boston, Massachusetts. Gerry joined the Seminary to avoid the draft. Just as the Vietnam War ended Gerry Connolly left the Seminary.
Chairman Gerry Connolly went to work for Sen. Alan Cranston of California also know as the Senator from Bechtel also one of the Keating Five. His boss Senator Cranston left Washington in disgrace.
So, looking at these two candidates and whom they choose to associate themselves speak volumes one associated himself with the Hero of Watergate, the other worked for one of the Keating Five Senators who left Washington in disgrace.
Chairman Connolly supports the no-bid contract given to Bechtel and is against competitive bidding for the tunnel. Chairman Connolly, use to work for the Senator from Bechtel Alan Cranston (D-CA). Has Chairman Connolly become to the Chairman for Bechtel’s interest in Fairfax County? Is Chairman Connolly that clueless that he doesn’t know the company responsible for the “Big Dig” in his hometown of Boston, Massachusetts, or is he just looking out for Bechtel.
So, my fellow Virginians I plan to vote for Gary Baise on November 6, 2007, I feel a guy who worked for the Hero of Watergate is better then the man who worked for one of the Keating Five.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Show me the Numbers!!!

Gerry’s latest commercial he brags about how he cut Gang crimes in half. Oh really Gerry, how about you show me some new numbers pose to the two year old numbers you been bantering around. Show me the numbers Gerry, Show me the Numbers!!!
Those two year old numbers you use came from a questionnaire taken by some 6, 8, 10 and 12th grades way back in December, 2005.
Please Gerry how stupid do you think we are? Also please stop taking credit for Congressman Wolf’s Gang task force you had nothing to do with it.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Fairfax County residence are not buying into Chairman Connolly’s Spin that everything is coming up roses in Fairfax County. In recent Debates and candidate forums Chairman Connolly has been uttering several falsehoods like Schools are number one in the Country actually Chairman Connolly its number five (5 isn’t bad, so why distort the facts Mr. Chairman, this is a LIE)
Chairman Connolly you seem to like to take credit for Republican Congressman Frank Wolf’s Gang Task force. You had nothing to do with it. It was Rep. Frank Wolf who got federal funds for Fairfax County, Not you. (This is a DAMN LIE)
Chairman Connolly boasts we are graduating 97% of kids in high school are graduating, again Mr. Chairman why are you playing with numbers. In fact Chairman Connolly is taking the number of students entering 12th grade and how many graduate in June. This is 97% but if you look at four years its only 87% (that’s a Statistic)
Chairman Connolly we have had it with your LIES, DAMN LIES AND STATISTICS. On November 6, 2007 we will say collectively YOU’RE FIRED!!!
Friday, October 5, 2007
The Real Facts about Chairman Gerry Connolly …
In addition to his ineffective leadership, Chairman Connolly has clear appearances of conflict of interests. How can Chairman Connolly be fair when voting or arguing a point when he is beholden to BIG Developers who have given him 1.00 out of every $3.00 he has in his war chest. It comes to a grand total of a little more then $500,000. Under Chairman Connolly’s directions, this Board has approved almost 100% of all high density land use applications. I am proud of my record for adding to traffic congestion and gridlocked intersections." Who do you think that benefited? Chairman Connolly supports the “Tysons Corner Task Force” which is packed with his Developer buddies. Important to note this Task Force is Chaired by an Employee of SAIC where just happens to be Chairman Connolly’s Employer. For those of you who may have missed it, SAIC is notorious corporate polluter whom have been sited several times for falsifying documents by the EPA and has plead guilty in court.
Is this payback for political contributions, makes one think.