Gerry Connolly there he goes again, exaggerating the facts and using fuzzy numbers.
Gerry’s latest commercial he brags about how he cut Gang crimes in half. Oh really Gerry, how about you show me some new numbers pose to the two year old numbers you been bantering around. Show me the numbers Gerry, Show me the Numbers!!!
Those two year old numbers you use came from a questionnaire taken by some 6, 8, 10 and 12th grades way back in December, 2005.
Please Gerry how stupid do you think we are? Also please stop taking credit for Congressman Wolf’s Gang task force you had nothing to do with it.
Gerry’s latest commercial he brags about how he cut Gang crimes in half. Oh really Gerry, how about you show me some new numbers pose to the two year old numbers you been bantering around. Show me the numbers Gerry, Show me the Numbers!!!
Those two year old numbers you use came from a questionnaire taken by some 6, 8, 10 and 12th grades way back in December, 2005.
Please Gerry how stupid do you think we are? Also please stop taking credit for Congressman Wolf’s Gang task force you had nothing to do with it.
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