Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chairman Connolly favors Sanctuary for Illegal Aliens

This mornings Washington Post reported that Chairman Connolly doesn’t have any intention of enforcing the law. He says he doesn’t want to take away the welcome mat for immigrants. Well Gerry that’s fine if the Question was about immigrants. The Question was about ILLEGAL ALIENS or ILLEGAL IMMAGRATION. Didn’t they teach you in Boston the meaning of the work “Illegal”? I know you Democrats like to splice words… I think we are still debating of the meaning of the word “IS”.

Gerry how about stop taking credit for things you have nothing to do with like Gang Task Force, Red Sox Winning in Game Seven, exaggerated test scores, and start owning up to your failures, Illegal Aliens, Traffic Congestion and a clear Lack of Leadership on your part. The polls show you have a slim lead over your challenger Gary Baise.

Gerry I think I speak for Majority of Fairfax County Residence when I say on NOVEMBER 6th We are going to say YOUR FIRED!!!

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