Sunday, October 14, 2007


Fairfax County residence are not buying into Chairman Connolly’s Spin that everything is coming up roses in Fairfax County. In recent Debates and candidate forums Chairman Connolly has been uttering several falsehoods like Schools are number one in the Country actually Chairman Connolly its number five (5 isn’t bad, so why distort the facts Mr. Chairman, this is a LIE)

Chairman Connolly you seem to like to take credit for Republican Congressman Frank Wolf’s Gang Task force. You had nothing to do with it. It was Rep. Frank Wolf who got federal funds for Fairfax County, Not you. (This is a DAMN LIE)

Chairman Connolly boasts we are graduating 97% of kids in high school are graduating, again Mr. Chairman why are you playing with numbers. In fact Chairman Connolly is taking the number of students entering 12th grade and how many graduate in June. This is 97% but if you look at four years its only 87% (that’s a Statistic)

Chairman Connolly we have had it with your LIES, DAMN LIES AND STATISTICS. On November 6, 2007 we will say collectively YOU’RE FIRED!!!

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