Friday, May 4, 2007

Four Pillars of Modern Liberalism

Pillar I: Raise Taxes on the Rich

Liberals like to think that everyone Republican with money got it from doing something wrong. As the famous bootlegger Papa Joe Kennedy posed, that is how the Kennedys made their money. Want a more modern example? William Jefferson Clinton and his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton (the Rodham only in NY), came into wealth by selling some waterfront properties (swamps) – White Water.

Then we have President Ronald Wilson Reagan (the greatest President of the 20th Century). Reagan worked hard, came up by the boot straps and made it big in Hollywood and later politics. He is someone we can be proud of. I don’t think people will ever say that about Bill Clinton, the only President who has been debarred and impeached, and he wasn’t removed from office on the account that the Democrats in the senate were partisan hacks!

Pillar II: Bash All People of Faith – Ban God from the Public Square

Liberals are, for the lack of better words, “God Haters”. They resent all those with faith. They characterize those with faith as bible thumpers, Christian NAZI. Ultra liberal talk show host Rosie O’Donnell said as much on The View in 2006, noting that Christians are just like the Taliban. Not one liberal condemned her comments. I have a theory – liberals want to force God out of the Public Square because they want to foster a climate of adultery and vile behavior without any qualms. It’s easier on their conscience, when they support Abortion on demand, gay marriage, and prostitution. They like to tout how great the Clinton years were… the Clinton years left a great deal of people cash wealthy but morally bankrupt.

Pillar III: Blame America First

Years ago, Ambassador Gene Kirkpatrick made a speech where she referred to the “Blame America First crowd”. Liberals are always first in line when it comes to blaming America – everything is our fault. I remember after 9-11, when radical leftist, Victoria Jones, who had a show on WMAL before it was canceled for ratings in the gutter, would ask people why we were attacked on 9-11 and eluded to the fact that somehow we were responsible for 9-11. Similarly, I went to talk at Career Day at a high school in Maryland where a representative from Albert Wynn’s office, (Democrat from Maryland – 4), for lack of better words, said we were attacked on 9-11 because “we left the people of Afghanistan hanging…” In the 1980s, these same liberals would have been the ones who would have advocated peaceful co-existence with the Communist, never mind the millions of people living under the boot of the Soviet Empire. They wanted to make nice with the Communists. If the liberals had their way, we would still have an Iron Curtain dividing Europe today.

Thank you, President Reagan – you stood up to the bullies on the Global Playground. Now we need not fear the boot of the Soviet Empire. And today, the new Russia is a thriving democracy. It doesn’t look like our Democracy, no. It is their form of Democracy.

Pillar IV: Eco Fascism

“Eco Fascism” is the newest pillar for liberals. They have all jumped on the global warming bandwagon. They ignore climatologists who disagree, and accuse them of being just like Holocaust deniers. Liberals are also, when they can, firing climatologists who don’t tout their radical green agenda. They want to ban the automobile for all of us, while Hilary Clinton uses three different private jets to go on various campaign stops in one day, or Al Gore, the great Profit, has a mansion in Tennessee which uses more electricity in one day then most of our homes do in a month. I guess Al Gore believes in “Do as I say, not as I do”. In his book, Al Gore speaks of his utopia where the price of gas is over four dollars a gallon, which would drive Americans out of their cars.

Environmentalism is the liberals’ religion, and Al Gore is their prophet. To quote Ann Coulter, from her New York Times Best Seller book, they are just “Godless”.

These are the same people who, in the 70s, were screaming about the coming Ice Age and how the whole world was going to freeze. Now it’s going to get too warm. Here is just a thought – it is easier to deal with global warming than cooling.

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