Thursday, May 3, 2007

Four Pillars of Modern Liberalism (part ii)

Pillar III: Blame America First

Third Pillar for Liberals is Blame America first. Years ago Ambassador Gene Kirkpatrick made a speech where she referred to the “Blame America first crowd…” Liberals are always first in line when it comes to blame America first. Everything is our fault. I remember after 9-11 when radical leftist Victoria Jones who had a show on WMAL before it was canceled for ratings in the gutter, she would ask people why were we attacked on 9-11 she eluded to the fact that some how we were responsible for 9-11. Similarly I went to talk at Career Day at a high school in Maryland where a representative from Albert Wynn’s office, (Democrat from Maryland – 4). She for lack of a better word said we were attacked on 9-11 because “we left the people of Afghanistan hanging…” These same liberals in the 1980s would be the ones who would advocate peaceful co-existence with the Communist, never mind the millions of people living under the boot of the Soviet Empire. They wanted to make nice with the Communists. If the Liberals had their way we would still have an Iron Curtain dividing Europe today.

Thank you President Reagan you stood up to the bullies on the Global Playground. Now we need not feat the boot of the Soviet Empire. And today the new Russia is thriving democracy. Does it look like our Democracy no, but it’s their form of Democracy.

Pillar IV: Eco Fascism

Liberals last pillar is “Eco Fascism” this is the newest one for them. They have all jumped on the Global Warming band wagon. They ignore climatologists who disagree are accused of being just like Holocaust deniers. They are also using where they can to fire climatologists who don’t tout their radical green agenda. They want to band the automobile for all of us. While Hilary Clinton used three different private jets to go on various campaign stops in one day. Or Al Gore the great Profit who has mansion in Tennessee, which uses more electricity in one day then most of our homes do in a month. I guess Al Gore believes in “…Do as I Say not as I do….” Al Gore in his book spoke of his utopia of the price of gas being over $4 dollars a gallon to drive Americans out of their cars.

Environmentalism is their Religion and Al Gore is their profit. To quote Ann Coulter New York Times Best Seller list book they are just “GODLESS”

These are the same people who in the 70s were screaming about the coming Ice Age how the whole world was going to freeze. Now its going to get too warm. Here is just a thought it is easier to deal with Global Warming then Cooling.

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