Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Connolly the Carpetbagger

Gerry does not subscribe to traditional Virginian Values, instead he subscribes to the believes of Ultra Liberals like Openly Gay Member of Congress Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. John Kerry and Sen. Ted “Chappaquiddick Ted” Kennedy.

This is why Chairman Connolly openly embraces the radical elements in his party. We can surmise a few things, Gerry wants to let the Flood gates open for illegal aliens; the proof is how he stuck it to the people of Herndon, VA with the day labor site in Herndon. We have already gotten rid of the worthless Herndon city council which was made up of Connolly Allies, now it’s time we vote out the King himself Gerry Connolly.

Chairman Connolly also openly embraces the liberal NEA – AFT agenda that has given us such things as “New Math”, “Ebonics”, “New History” and other radical concepts.

We must call Chairman Connolly, on what he is; he is a CARPETBAGGER from the land of Barney Frank, Chappaquiddick Ted, and John Kerry. He embraces the values of Massachusetts where they have legalized or on the way to legalizing Gay Marriage.

We need a real Virginian; Who is that Gary Baise, his kids actually attended public Schools Fairfax County, whose wife was a public school teacher for years. We need Gary Baise for Fairfax County Chairman, I ask all the Democrats to join Gary Baise’s Team, which is Team Virginia to drive out that Liberal carpetbagger with his Liberal Massachusetts Values out of Fairfax County.

Do we really want Massachusetts values in Fairfax County, Virginia?

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