Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Bluey: Democrats Go 0 for 7 in 2007

In 1994, the much-hailed Republican Revolution followed through on their "Contract with America", keeping their promises to vote in the first 100 days on legislation important to America.In 2007, the
Democrats clearly didn't have the political will to do the same.

A scorecard for the first 100 days:

1) Raise minimum-wage without protections for small business: Conferees not appointed.

2) Implement 9/11 Commission recommendations with payback to unions: Conferees not appointed. Veto promised.

3) Provide federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research: Conferees not appointed. Veto promised.

4) Change the interest rate on student loans: No Senate vote.

5) Alter the Medicare prescription-drug plan: No Senate vote.

6) Implement a comprehensive energy policy: No Senate Vote.

7) Pass Budget with Largest Tax Increase in American History: Conferees not appointed.

Ouch fellas.

Of course, given that the average federal tax burden on each American will be $1,795 if the upcoming Democratic tax hike is passed, maybe that's not such a bad thing...Too bad election day isn't on 15 April.

posted by Shaun Kenney at original post on http://www.rpv.org

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