Monday, May 14, 2007

Chairman Connolly, why the Secret Meetings?

Gerry why are you conducting meetings about the Tyson's Tunnel project or as I like to call it "BIG DIG II" in secrecy, what don’t you want us to know about Big Dig II?

Perhaps it has the potential to make the Original Big Dig look like a bargain with its cost over runs? Also you do know this is in violation of Virginia “Sunshine Laws” you aren’t aloud to have meetings discussing funding behind closed door.

Then again I really shouldn’t be surprised when a County Chairman who is in the back pocket of every Developer in Northern Virginia and a few from Maryland I really shouldn’t be surprised how you work.

That might be how you do things in Boston, Massachusetts the land of Barney Franks, Ted Kennedy and Mr. Teresa Heinz; the is VIRGINIA GERRY, we are not ethically challenged.

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