Monday, April 16, 2007

A Developers Best Friend

Gerry has been Chairman since 2003. We have seen our property assessments sky rocket, traffic become positively unbearable and crime is up. Gerry isn’t a custom to Virginian Values, but that’s not his fault, considering he comes from Massachusetts the home of Rep. Barney Franks, former Gov. Michael Dukakis and Sen. John “Mister I, voted for the $84 Billion before I voted against it” Kerry.

Gerry likes to put the interest of his own over the interest of the County. He has aloud every developer come into Fairfax County and pave over everything. He lets the developers run around unchecked. Good question is why would he let developers run around unchecked? Could it be that they are his biggest supporters. Gerry Connolly is bought and paid for by the Developers in the area. It is alleged that he is even had a well known Maryland Developer launder money to the Connolly campaign via his maid. Well I guess that’s how they do things in Boston, the problem is Gerry your NOT IN BOSTON ANYMORE. You are in VIRGINIA where we have morals and ethics. We don’t like it when our County Chairmen our bought and owned by Big Developers who want to PAVE over our county. WE HAVE VALUES GERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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