The people of Fairfax County Deserves better than a Massachusetts Liberal. Gerry Connolly doesn’t understand Fairfax County, Virginia and its Values. Gerry Connolly came to Fairfax County from Boston, Massachusetts the home of Gay Marriage, Abortion on Demand, Rep. Barney Franks, Senator Ted “Cut and Run” Kennedy, and John “Mr. Teresa Heinz” Kerry. Gerry Connolly has a lot more in common with those guys and the values of Massachusetts then he does with Virginia Values, Rep. Frank Wolf, Rep Tom Davis, Sen. John Warner and the people of Virginia who believe Family Values isn’t a bad word.
Gerry Connolly supports the radical NEA and AFT agenda which includes New Math, New History, and the teaching of homosexuality in public Schools. Gerry Connolly would like nothing more then to Turn Fairfax County in to another Boston, Massachusetts or a Montgomery County, Maryland, where the rights of the teachers out weigh the rights to the parents. Gerry Connolly also think all problems can be solved by raising taxes. Fairfax County schools are flooded with illegal alien because Gerry Connolly wants to pass the buck on enforcement of immigration laws. A result of this is MS-13 and Fairfax County schools not meeting the “No child Left behind Program. “
Our tax dollars hard at work, in enforcing a radical NEA – AFT agenda; (New Math, New History, and the teaching of homosexuality) Allowing illegal aliens to flood our communities brining violent crimes to our street (MS - 13) ; Congestion on our roads through the roof. It is taking what four years ago was a 20 minute commute to now a 45 minute commute in most cases.
Gerry Connolly is out of touch with Fairfax County, Virginia.
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